How to Prepare Your Gutters for Winter

Gutter Maintenance

As winter weather rolls in, you may not initially think about your gutters. However, it is essential to have your gutters in good shape before the colder months kick in. When snow and ice wreak havoc on your roofing and gutter systems, it can lead to severe damage.

Inspect Gutters

We suggest that you inspect the gutters before the colder weather hits. Be sure there are no cracks or loose fasteners. In addition to inspecting the gutters, check the fascia, foundation, and siding for any signs of rotting or water damage. The gutters can be the cause of water damage to your business or home. An inspection can catch damage early and prevent future damage from occurring.

Clean Gutters

One of the hallmarks of gutter maintenance is cleaning the gutters regularly. Not only do you need to check gutters often in the fall, but you also need to do it regularly in the winter too. Snow can accumulate and weigh down gutters. You will also want to pay attention to the junctions and corners where leaves build up the most.

Install Gutter Guards and Downspout Extensions

If you want to avoid a lot of hands-on maintenance, you can use a gutter protection system. These types of systems prevent debris from entering the gutters. Additionally, you may need to realign your gutters to make sure you have no standing water.


Another tip for maintaining your gutters is to install a downspout extension to send the ice and snow away from your building. When you send water about three to five feet away from the building, it can prevent the water from seeping in. When it comes to damaged gutters, water often seeps into the basement and causes severe water damage.


No matter the time of year, gutter maintenance is critical to the safety of your building. At Signature Exteriors, we understand the importance of clean gutters and roofing solutions. Contact us today to find out more about how to prep your gutters for winter!