Do’s and Don'ts of Roof Repairs: Best Practices on How to Fix Them

Imagine for a second that you are a roof.

You sit there, day and night, getting pounded by wind, by rain, by all sorts of weather. Not to mention the birds that like to roost upon you.

Day in and day out, you are expected to stay intact. However, like everything that is left exposed to the elements, you are bound to need repairs.

Repairing a roof is tricky, and you want to make sure that you do it correctly if you are faced with the situation. Here are some do's and don'ts when it comes to roof repairs.

Roof Repair Do: Use Matching Shingles

Just like how nobody likes a patchy haircut, nobody likes a patchy roof. Mismatched shingles are an eyesore that can greatly cut into the property value and eye appeal of your property.

Even if you only have to replace a few shingles, make sure you're using the same kind that is already up there. Whether you have a regular shingle roof or something more exotic like a clay tile roof, it's important to match shade, texture, and style.

Replacing shingles is an easy fix when performing roof repair, but don't confuse an easy project with something you don't need to pay attention to.

Roof Repair Don't: Leave Exposed Nail Heads

This is basically a tip for life in general. Almost no good can come from leaving nail heads exposed unless you're trying to hang up a picture, and it's highly doubtful that you're going to want to hang a family portrait on top of your house or commercial property.

Leaving your nail heads exposed makes them more likely to rust. Not only that, but exposed nail heads are likely not totally sealed, meaning water can seep in and damage your shingles, your roof, and your house itself.

It seems simple, but it's an important roof repair tip.

Like a child during a thunderstorm, keep your head covered.

Roof Repair Do: Wear Proper Clothing

While it might be enticing to try and fix your roof while dressed in your nicest wedding clothes, that's probably not the best idea.

When it comes to roof repair best practices, this is an easy tip that you don't even need to be on the roof to do. There's a reason that professionals typically wear jeans and long sleeve shirts.

Most importantly, when performing your roof repair, wear rubber-soled shoes. Those type of shoes offer good grip, which is important on unusual surfaces. Falling off a roof can be deadly, so be sure to wear the proper attire to prevent falls.

Ready for Roof Repairs?

Follow these tips to ensure that your roof repair process is a smooth one.

Repairing a roof is a difficult process, and it's important to know what you're doing before you jump in.

Even with these tips, it's still the best practice to put your roof repair work in trusted hands. Contact us today and we'll make your roof repairs work beautifully.